Physics, asked by chouhankholindar, 3 months ago

प्रश्न 27. पक्षी बिजली के तार पर बैठे रहते हैं, फिर भी उन्हें कोई नुकसान नहीं होता, क्यों? कारण सहित बारीक कीजिए।


Answered by adbravo588


The reason is that the bird sits on only one wire. The total system for the flow of electricity is not complete. Let me consider a monkey in place of the bird. If it hangs from one wire, its not harmed as the circuit is not complete. But it dies or gets shocked when it hangs using two wires. Electricity flows from Wire A to B through the body of monkey. This doesn't happens in the case of birds as they sit on one wire ONLY.

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