Hindi, asked by eposuru, 10 months ago

प्रश्न 4) कवि जयशंकर प्रसाद ने अपनी कविताओं में भारतवासियों की भावुकता को कैसे व्यक्त किया है ?
प्रश्न 5. कवि जयशंकर प्रसाद का साहित्यिक परिचय दीजिए ।​


Answered by thecheter


konse standard ka hai ye


Answered by halasiyahirabhai


The availability of food gives rise to regional difference (plants and animals). Warmer climate extended opportunity for the increase in food availability for the people. There was development of grassland and increase in the number of herbivorous animals. The practice of adaptation or keeping of an animal or plant, through breeding turned advantageous to humans. Domestication led to herding. Animals were reared with care as they provided milk and meat. Wool and skin were obtained from these animals that helped people to protect themselves from cold weather. Human influence transformed wild plants and animals.


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