प्रश्न ६.अंग्रेजी में
एक चिड़िया पेड़ पर रहती थी। उसका घोसला पेड़ पर था। घोसले में उसके तीन बच्चे
थे। वह अपने बच्चों के साथ रहती थी । एक दिन एक शिकारी वहां आया। वह चिड़िया को मारना
चाहता था। चिड़िया ने बच्चों को घोसले में सिर नीचा कर बैठने को कहा । वह खुद वहां से उड़ गई
और पत्तों में छिपकर बैठ गई। शिकारी चिड़िया को ना देख कर वहां से चला गया।
Answered by
A bird lived on the tree. His nest was on the tree. He had three children in Ghosle. She lived with her children. One day a hunter came there. He wanted to kill the bird. The bird asked the children to sit with their head down in the slurry. She herself flew from there and sat hidden in the leaves. The hunter left the place not seeing the bird.
Answered by
a bird lives there on a tree . her nest was on the tree she had three childrens there she lives with her childrens one day a hunter came there he wants to kill the bird the bird told her children to down their head in nest the bird flew away from there and hide in leaves the hunter did not see the bird and move away from there
this is answer hope helps you
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