प्रतिजैविक तथा इंटरफेरॉन में अंतर स्पष्ट करें
The decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate afterThe decimal expansion of the rational number 972×54 will terminate after