Padmavati speaks the truth 3 times out of 4 and Vareesha speaks the truth 7 times out of 10. Both of them assert that a white hat has been removed from a basket
containing hats of 6 different colours.
What is the probability of finding the white hat in the basket?
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Step-by-step explanation:
Padmavati speaks the truth 3 times out of 4 , therefore the probability of Padmavati telling the truth is 3/4= 0.75
Vareesha speaks the truth 7 times out of 10. Therefore the probability of Vareesha speaking the truth is 7/10= 0.7
The probability of Padmavati AND Vareesha jointly telling the truth is
0.75 x 0.7 = 0.525
The probability of Padmavati AND Vareesha jointly telling a lie is
(1 - 0.75) x (1 - 0.7) = 0.075
To find the white hat in the basket after both assert that it has been removed, it would imply that one of them told a lie.
Therefore the probability of finding the white hat in the basket is
( 1 - 0.525 ) = 0.475
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