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. Atmosphere: The gaseous envelop surrounding the earth.
2. Air Pollution: Various gaseous pollutants from natural and man-made sources enter the atmosphere and have adverse effects on the normal properties of air. This leads to air pollution, which is harmful for life and environment.
3. Air Pollutants: Gases and particles which cause air pollution are called air pollutants.
4. Air Quality: It is the degree to which the air in a particular place is pollution-free.
5. Aquifer: A highly permeable and porous layer of sediment or rock containing water.
6. Anthropogenic: It is related to the study of the origin and development of human beings.
7. Abiotic Component: Non-living component in an ecosystem.
8. Afforestation: Planting of trees in an area to provide a forest cover.
9. Appiko Movement: Movement against the destruction of forest.
10. Artificial Environment: The objects of our surroundings made by man.
11. Antibiotics: It is a chemical substance derivable from a mould or bacterium that can kill microorganisms and cure bacterial infections.
12. Autotroph: It is a biological term which is a combination of two words- auto which means self and troph means "nourishing". Autotrophic organisms synthesize their own food from simple organic substances.
13. Age-structure: Percentage of men and women in the young, adult and old age group in the population.
14. Acid Rain: Rain water containing mixtures of acids (nitric, hydrochloric and sulfuric acid) from polluted air is known as acid rain. It damages lakes, forests and marble sculptures.
15. Auto Ecology: It is a study of individual organism or species in relation to environment.
These are the basic concepts of ecology...hope it helped uhh dear...