Page: Sactisfaction brings progress
Here is ur answer .
Satisfaction comes with the feeling of content , that means u have everything u have wanted or desired , or as well say that u feel satisfied when u have a feeling of completeness, which in turn will make u feel happy... Thus being satisfied will bring happiness...
But being satisfied as i believe dsnt always hinder progress, see my theory is that whn u r not satisfied than u make progress to achieve that satisfaction, but that progress is like hunger, u eat anythng u get just to get satisfied and in that process u forget to feel the taste of it,
But once u r satisfied, u make progress by choosing the dishes that u like and feeling its taste till the last bit, that is a progress that u relish,
Progress is a part of remaining satisfied after u have achieved satisfaction... Thus , even when satisfied progress doesnt stop, it just becomes more of a positive thng to sustain that satisfaction rather than like the rush to achieve it in the first place...
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