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पहले पाँच वर्षों के लाभ-हानि थे।
The Profits and Losses for last five years were :
(1st year) 6,000 असामान्य लाभ के 2,000 सहित) (including an abnormal gain of 2,000)
तीय वर्ष 2nd Year) र 14,000 र4,000 बीमा प्रीमियम को छोड़कर (excluding १ 4,000 as insurance premium)
वतीय वर्ष (3rYear) (4,000 र2,000 के असामान्य हानि को प्रमारित करने पश्चात् (after charging an abnormal loss of
चतुर्थ वर्ष (4th Year) 2,000 हानि (loss)]
पचम वर्ष (5th Year 16,000
ख्याति का मूल्यांकन पिछले पाँच वर्षों के लाभ-हानि के 4 वर्षों के क्रय के आधार पर ख्याति की राशि की गणना की
Calculate the amount of goodwill on the basis of 4 years' purchase of last 5 years profits and loss.

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1 YEAR :6000-2000=4000(ABNORMAL GAIN)
2 YEAR: 14000-5000=9000
3 YEAR:4000+2000=6000(ABNORMAL LOSS)
4 YEAR:2000(LOSS)
5 YEAR:16000
AVERAGE PROFIT=33000÷5=6600
before write the question on your copy check the question properly!
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1st Year (6000 - 2000 ).........4000
2nd Year (14000 - 4000).......10000
3rd Year (4000 + 2000).........6000
4th Year .........................- 2000
.............. =18000
5th year ............. 16000
Total Profits ..................=34000
Average profit = Total profit / No. of years
34000/5 = 6800
Goodwill = average profit × no. of years' purchase
= 6800×4
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