Painting/Drawing on HEALTHY & FIT
Here are 24 proven health benefits of drawing, painting and art that promote mental health and improve your overall quality of life.
1. Enhanced Creativity
Drawing, painting and art Enhanced creativity
Holding a paintbrush triggers your mind to start imagining. Your brain works precisely to envision vivid colors, striking places, people, and a lot more. Often you end up representing your emotions via your art.
2. Better Memory
Drawing, painting and art help to develope better memory
For people having memory issues, creating masterpieces with colors could be the finest thing. Painting boosts your memory skills. People who are involved in drawing, writing, and painting are at a lower risk of developing memory-related illnesses during their older age.
Drawing is a perfect way to express inner emotions and feelings without words. One can easily overcome shyness and bump-up self-confidence. It has been seen that people who are involved in a creative activity have better consciousness as compared to the ones who don’t. So, pick up the brush and start painting your imaginations.
3. Improved Communication
Drawing, painting and art improve the communication skills
4. Bilateral Coordination
Drawing, painting and art help to develope bilateral coordination
1. Enhanced Creativity
Drawing, painting and art Enhanced creativity
2. Better Memory
Drawing, painting and art help to develope better memory
3. Improved Communication
Drawing, painting and art improve the communication skills
4. Bilateral Coordination
Drawing, painting and art help to develope bilateral coordination
5. Fine Motor Coordination
"Drawing, painting and art improves fine motor coordination
6. Self-regulation
Drawing, painting and art enhance self regulation
7. Self-esteem booster
Creative art is a way of self-expressionne.
The accomplishment achieved from creating art translates into our self-esteem and boosts our confidence.
8. Better Problem Solving Ability
Drawing, painting and art enhance your problem-solving ability
9. Optimistic Emotions
Drawing, painting and art optimizing strong emotions.
10. Liberating Concealed Emotions
When a person puts his emotions on canvas, he focuses on relieving all those negative emotions that are hidden inside. It is the perfect way to cleanse your mind and bring positivity. Furthermore, surprising relief from physical pain is seen in patients that enjoy coloring their thoughts on canvas.
Drawing, painting and art liberate concealed emotions
11. Increasing emotional intelligence
Drawing, painting and art Increasing-emotional-intelligence
12. Art makes us happier
Drawing, painting and art make you happier
A growing body of researchers underscores that there is a positive connection between the creative process of making art and our personal happiness.
Art is undeniably a powerful therapeutic tool. Throughout history, visual expression has been used as a form of healing. Talent isn’t a key element when it comes to art therapy. Art therapy revolves around the concept we all have a gift of creativity within us.
When our inner creativity unfolds, it takes us on a healing journey and renders benefits like personal growth, self expression and wellness.
13. Art for Alzheimer and Dementia patients
Drawing, painting and art help Alzheimer’s and dementia patients to improving attention span, self-esteem and social behavior
14. Art therapy for cancer patients
Drawing, painting and art helps to cop with cancer.
15. Arts therapy for older adults
Drawing, painting and art maintaining the health and quality of life for older adults.
16. Art Reduces Stress
Drawing, painting and art reduce stress
17. Improves Mood
Drawing, painting and art Improves-Mood
18. Social Benefits of Painting, Drawing And Art
Social Benefits of Painting, Drawing And Art
19. Good way to relax
Practising drawing, painting and art is a good way to relax
Creative activities like art act as building blocks for sound child development. Art education is closely linked to better academic achievements, higher civic engagement, superior social and emotional development, and equitable opportunity.
20. Language Development
Drawing, painting and art build vocabulary
21. Visual Learning
Drawing, painting and Art promote visual learning
22. Inventiveness
Drawing, painting and art helps to develop inventiveness.
23. Equalizer
Drawing, painting and art acts as an equalizer
24. Analytic Skills
Drawing, painting and art improves analytic skills
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