Pakistan under general Parvez Musharraf is not called a democracy.Why?
Heya your answer goes like this
(a) In Pakistan General Parvez Musharraf led a military coup in October, 1999. He overthrew democratically elected government and declared himself the chief executive of the country.
(b) Later he changed his designation to president and in 2002 held a referendum (voting). He used dirty tricks and malpractices to win the referendum.
(c) In August, 2002 he issued an order to amend the constitution of Pakistan so that he is able to enjoy more powers. The power to take final decision was given to military officers and General Musharraf himself.
Hope it helps!! :)
Because of the following reasons..
1)He led a military coup in Oct 1999 which overthrew a democratically elected government and declared himself the Chied Executive of the country.
2)He changed his designation from the Chief Executive to the President of the country.
3) In 2002,he held a referendum in the countrt that granted him a five year extension.But the referendum was based on malpractices and fraud.
4)He amended the Constitution of Pakistan by a 'Legal Framework Order' in 2002.According to it, the President can dismiss the national or provincial assemblies.
5)Pakistan had elections, elected representatives had some powers but they could not take the final decisions.The final power rested with military officers and General Musharraf himself.