Biology, asked by musicshikha83, 2 months ago

papaya seeds have transparent cover ...what is the cover name ..?? ​


Answered by AmrutaChoukekar


If the seeds are in germinating stage it is definitely a condition of incipient/pseudovivipary (not true vivipary) as found in several halophytic species like Aegiceros sp., Aegialitis rotandifolia, Nypa fruticans, several species of Avicennia and some othe non halophytic species like Citrus spp., Artocarpus spp., even in Cocos nucifera and rarely in Acanthus caudaceous(High altitudinal plant) and Leucoceptrum cannum. Again to me it is a case of cryptovivipary as the hypocotyl emerges from seed only(not from the entire fruit), and in case of true vivipary hapocotyl emerges from the fruit wall as found in case of true mangrove ( Rhizophora spp., Ceriops spp., Kandelia candel, Bruguiera spp. of Rhizophoraceae).

Answered by hello12348

\huge \bold \color{orange}A \color{red}n \color{green}s \color{blue}w \color {purple}e\color {pink}r

If the seeds are in germinating stage it is definitely a condition of incipient/pseudovivipary (not true vivipary) as found in several halophytic species like Aegiceros sp., Aegialitis rotandifolia, Nypa fruticans, several species of Avicennia and some othe non halophytic species like Citrus spp., Artocarpus spp., even in Cocos nucifera and rarely in Acanthus caudaceous(High altitudinal plant) and Leucoceptrum cannum. Again to me it is a case of cryptovivipary as the hypocotyl emerges from seed only(not from the entire fruit), and in case of true vivipary hapocotyl emerges from the fruit wall as found in case of true mangrove ( Rhizophora spp., Ceriops spp., Kandelia candel, Bruguiera spp. of Rhizophoraceae).They examined 14 important papaya germplasms, and concluded that " The maximum incidence of vivipary and white seed disorders were observed during May (13.4 and 75.7%, respectively) while least incidence was observed in February and March (10 and 5%, respectively)."

The vivipary and white seed disorders can cause serious economic loss in seed production. [p.576-577, yellow highlight].

thank \: u \\ hope \: it \: helps

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