Chemistry, asked by tripleadorable884, 2 months ago

Paper chromatography is a way to separate substances from a mixture. The mixture is dissolved in a suitable solvent. The solution is allowed to travel across paper. The substances in the solution travel at different speeds. They separate because of their different solubility in the solvent, and attraction to the paper they travel iver. the more soluble a substance is, the faster it travels. The more attracted to paper, the less fast it will travel. It is used to find out how many substances are present in a mixture. It checks the purity of a substance, if impurities are present, they seperate out. Chromatography can be used to identify amino acids from a sample of protein. The diagram shows the chromatogram obtained when four samples of amino acids were analysed. the paper was sprayed with ninhydrin to show the presence of amino acids in protein. a. Why is the origin line drawn with pencil? b. Which amino acid sample contains more than one amino acid? c. Why is it necessary to spray ninhydrin ? d. Which amino acid could possibly be the same? i. 2 and 4 ii. 2 and 3 ii. 1 and 3 iv. I and 2 ​


Answered by sadhnajha101


for me but the best thing in this message in a way for you guys I can you give a lot for me as

Answered by abdullotif531


a) pencil doesn't separate in the solvent.

c) ninhydrin may react in different way with different acids

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