paragrah on primary school
My primary school was one of the best schools in my town , I spent a great time there . My teacher in the first class was very nice her name was "Amirah" in Arabic it means princess .
She was an old woman & she was teaching in this school for 35 years ,her salary was only 1 & half dollar a month! I used to spend my break time with her in the class ,she had never left the class during the break time , & she used to paint roses , & write some nice encouraging sentences in our homework copybooks to make us happy.
In every time we had learned a new alphabetical letter we had party to celebrate & we serve candies , cookies . Every single day was like a party for me , Even in my sickness I used to insist to go to school .
When I was in the fifth class I knew that she will retired , all the girls went to her &asked her to stay ,but she didn’t .
The adieux was very much emotional , but she kept visiting us in the school .
No one of her pupils called her "Mrs." , we called her "mama Amirah ".still have some of her presents she gave me in my birthdays & other celebrations …
My sister Mariam is in the second class now , I visited her school for few times & I was shocked , from the way the teachers treat the pupils ( so rough & loveless) …
Few days ago we went to a friend's house , my mother was talking with her friend about schools , her friend told my mom that her child said a bad word , & how she was stunned because they don’t use these words at all & she told her son that" you must heard this word from an
impolite boy , right ?"
He said" No , from my teacher ! she always use this word .!"
Two weeks ago my mom & I saw a program about the education in Iraq & there was an interview with the minister of education , he said that 90% of the teachers are not qualified to teach !
How can they make a polite , educated, & successful generations ?
Sometimes the intelligent pupils correct the mistakes made by the teacher, specially in English & mathematics…..Now who take low marks and can't go on in their schools can become a teacher after a 6 month practicing !
I wish that all the primary schools will be like mine…..
Sunshine ….
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