paragraph about protection of animals
Wildlife conservation encompasses all human activities and efforts directed to preserve wild animal from extinction it involves both protection and scientific management of wild species. Wildlife and nature have largely being associated which humans for numerous emotional and social Reason.
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Animals must be protected
Animals are in many ways the same as human beings. We consider them our best freind, sibling, child, or to put it simply, we view them as being part of our family. For example, my parents have a a Pekingese puppy, whom I identify and treat as my little brother. I could never imagine what I'de do if anything were to happen to him. For these reasons, I strongly believe in the rights of animals and the need to provide them full protectionfrom violence and danger. Those who share this concern can in fact find on the internet useful information that addresses the issues of animal abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Some of these sources of information are organizations, which include, but are not limited
According to thier website, in efforts to fulfill its organizational goals and mission, AHO has joined forces with other humane organizations and together, they are taking positive actions by creating animal welfare programs such as animal adoption, care and issues, farm animals, disaster relief, film monitoring, shelter services, legislative action, and educaton and awareness. In addition, AHO offers links on thier website where you can learn more leadership skills for developing policies and services to help children and animal abuse and neglect.
Aside from promoting individual action, the American Humane Organization also relies heavily on simply creating pubilc awareness about the issues facing children and animals. They achieve this organizational goal by implementing and enabling quick access of facts about problems and concerns dealing with both animals and children onto thier website. These facts range in questions concerning anywhere from shelter of animals to sexual abuse of children. In addition, the American Humane Organization website offers information regarding official government laws, both state and federal, which exists to serve the welfare of both children and animals and to promote humane services. Some of which these laws include are Captive Wildlife Safety Act 2003 and Violence Against Chldren Act of 2003, just to name a few of the most recent.