paragraph about what if there is no electricity
In case of no electricity our life would be totally different. We will have to use earthen lamps, lantern or candle-light instead of electric bulbs and tubes as it is now.
The kitchens would have not been so equipped. The modern electric appliances would have not been invented.
The patients will have to bear the heat of the summer and cold of winter with all type of difficulties.
Electricity has become an integral part of our life stream.
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To think of life without electricity is almost impossible today. Electricity provides all the comforts of life.
We find ourselves completely helpless and feel its importance whenever power fails or when the supply is irregular. We curse the government for its failure to supply uninterrupted electric supply.
In case of no electricity our life would be totally different. We will have to use earthen lamps, lantern or candle-light instead of electric bulbs and tubes as it is now.
If there would have been no electricity coolers, air-conditions, refrigerators, room heaters and other electric appliances would have not been there.
The kitchens would have not been so equipped. The modern electric appliances would have not been invented.
There would have not been so many inventions in the field of health and treatment of diseases. There would have not been x-ray, heart surgery and electric treatments
The patients will have to bear the heat of the summer and cold of winter with all type of difficulties.
Mills, factories, shops and offices would not be having the glamour that is there now a days. The people have to work hard in different climatic conditions without electricity.
The electric fans have not been there. People would be using hand fans for fanning themselves.
There would have been very few sources of entertainment without electricity. There would have not been cinemas, radios, TV’s etc. There would have been very few sources of telecommunications
There would have been no computers etc. We could not conceive of life without electricity. Civilization would have not been so much developed without the invention of electricity. Science and technology would have not developed so much.
Electricity has become an integral part of our life stream.