Paragraph Alignment option is available in ------menu and ----------group
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Paragraph Formatting
Aparagraph is a unit of text or other content that starts at the beginning of a document, immediately after a hard return (a carriage return), a page break, or a section break, or at the beginning of a table cell, header, footer, or list of footnotes and ends with a hard return (carriage return) or at the end of a table cell. Word documents generally contain paragraphs with different formatting. Even a very simple document with a centered heading and a justified body contains paragraphs with two different types of formatting.
Word's graphical user interface (GUI) provides ways to apply numerous formatting options to your paragraphs. However, these options are not available in a single location, and some of these locations differ in different versions of Word. For this reason, this page is divided into the following sections, and the applicable options are described in each section.
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