English, asked by hzusb3956, 2 months ago

paragraph describing a character entering a room


Answered by Anonymous


There is no single answer. It's highly situational.

Depends on the room, on the characters there and on the character entering.

Is the main char entering his own room only to find twelve hooded figures? Or is he entering some waiting room where twelve figures are sitting bored on chairs? Is he entering the room guns blazing or is he following a realtor to the open house?

Thousands possibilities and everyone of them requires different approach.


I don't think I've described any of the rooms of the house my main character lives in except her bedroom, and I've not really gone into a lot of detail with that. One thing I have described is the upstairs hall but only because she was looking for a specific photograph, and the entire hallway is literally lined top to bottom with snapshots and portraits.

Answered by ErwinSmithAOT


John carefully placed his foot in he room. The floor creaked, and he placed his second foot. The chandelier started shaking gently. He felt his hand urge to grab the wallet on the other side of the room. He walked a few more steps, hoping not to wake up the house's owner. After a few more steps, he reached the other side. He thought of all the things he could find in the wallet. He would no longer have to spend nights with a hungry stomach. As he was daydreaming, he forgot about the vase on the almirah. Just as he placed his hand on the almirah, the vase fell down, and made a loud noise. John darted across the room as fast as his legs would carry him. Just as he was about to reach the exit, he felt someone grab his arm and drag him across the room. The lights turned on, and he turned to face the angry owner of the house.

Please mark as brainliest!

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