English, asked by archana26460, 9 months ago

Paragraph in 70words about the accident ​


Answered by ashish3416


Accidents are very common in big cities as there are many modes of transport and road are narrow and over crowded. We hear of them and read about them in newspapers almost daily. Such accidents often result in lose of life and material. These are caused by the carelessness of the drivers and their ignorance and negligence of the traffic rules.

Once, my brother and I decided to see a film at Golcha cinema at Daryaganj in Delhi. As we were getting late for the show, we began walking faster along the crowded road. All of a sudden there was a loud noise. I saw a man rolling on the ground He was knocked down by a car. The driver was driving it at a normal speed. He saw a lorry coming from the opposite direction It was being driven rashly. The car driver feared a collision. He tried to turn the vehicle aside, but his clutch wire broke and the machine got out of his control. It ran into a passerby and hit the pavement.

The man was seriously wounded. He sustained injuries on the head and face. His nose was bleeding and his leg was badly bruised.

A crowd gathered on the spot. The wounded man was removed to a nearby hospital. Some people started abusing and hitting the car driver. Someone tried to convince them that it was not his fault. It was just an accident.

Luckily the victim was declared out of danger. His wounds were dressed and he was advised to rest in bed to get over the shock.

The police also arrived at the place of accident. The car driver and the lorry driver were taken to the police station. Their statements were recorded. The car driver was let off but the

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                                        A Tragic Road Accident

Accidents are a common sight on Indian roads; there are many factors that are behind so many accidents. Some of the factors are poor roads, rash driving, and lackadaisical implementation of traffic rules.  

Last week I saw a tragic accident involving a truck and a car. I was going to Delhi; and it was raining hard. As the bus reached Karnal, I saw a huge crowd gathered near a bridge; as the bus slowed down I saw a truck standing on the bridge, it had broken the safety railing; people were peering down the bridge. A car had fallen into the Western Yamuna Canal.  

Local people along with the rescue and medical teams were working untiringly to help the trapped and injured people. An ambulance from the Karnal Toll Tax barrier was rushed to the spot of accident. According to some eyewitness, the cause of the accident was the poor visibility caused by heavy rain and the speed of the truck.  

Fortunately there was not much water in the canal; so there was hope people sitting in the car had not drowned. The bus did not stop there; I kept pondering over the sorry state of safety in roads.

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