paragraph on beauty under 200 words
The nature is everything around us which surrounds us with beautiful environment. We see and enjoy it every moment. We observe natural changes in it, hear it and feel it everywhere. We should take full advantage of the nature and go out of home for the morning walk daily to breathe pure air and enjoy morning beauty of nature. All though the day it changes it beauty like in the morning when sun rises everything looks bright orange and then yellowish. In the evening when sun sets it again becomes dark orange and then light dark.
The nature has everything for us but we do not have anything for it even we are destroying its property day by day to just fulfill our selfish wishes. In the modern technological world lots of inventions are getting launched daily without its advantage and disadvantage to the nature. It is our responsibility to save the declining assets of our nature to make possible the existence of life forever on the earth. If we do not take any step towards nature conservation, we are keeping our future generations at danger. We should understood its worth and value and try to maintain its natural shape.
The topic of beauty has been studied, analyzed and controversial for centuries. We all know the feeling you can have when you hear a beautiful song that brings joy to your heart, stand in a field of flowers that excites your eyes, or admire a face that is visually pleasing. As human beings, we are all drawn to beauty, but what is it that makes something beautiful? The controversial issue that surrounds beauty is that some believe that true beauty is defined by someone’s outer appearance, while others believe it is something that is experienced through a person’s…show more content…
In men the most desirable features are a big jaw and broad chin. Smooth skin, shiny hair, lean body and facial symmetry are also important qualities of beauty. Dateline conducted experiments to see if beautiful people were treated better than unattractive people. The results were an overwhelming, yes. Men would stop and help pretty women in distress every time, while they would walk right by a less attractive woman that needed help. Studies have consistently shown that attractive people get favorable treatment in many situations. They are more accepted in their peer groups, they receive better treatment in stores and restaurants, and they are hired more often with higher pay. Are these things that make up outer beauty more important than inner beauty? There are a large group of individuals who believe that outer beauty is temporary while inner beauty is untouchable and ever lasting, and that is what makes someone truly beautiful. Even photographers that photograph beautiful models say that they look for girls that portray a beautiful soul behind the face or a feeling of kindness that shows through. It is amazing how inner beauty can make an average looking person light up a room with there heart-stopping presence. It is a permanent quality which makes an individual interesting, reachable, and trustworthy. If you feel beautiful, your own confidence and self-worth brings out a glow of beauty that no outer beauty can compete with. If inner beauty is the genuine
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Beauty : What Are Beauty?
891 Words | 4 Pages
What is Beauty? Beauty in my opinion is all about who is perceiving it, although there are many things that can be widely accepted as beautiful, whether it 's a bountiful orchard of apple trees or the deep vast ocean blue with the waves cascading down with the mystery of life looming in the depths beneath. Beauty can be described as the fresh snow glistening on the pine trees with deer majestic in their natural glory and fat, fluffy hares dancing playfully in the snow or birds in song singing to
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What is Beauty?
1209 Words | 5 Pages
According to Oxford Dictionary, beauty is defined as “a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses, esp. the sight”. Over a long period of time, the meaning of beauty has changed. The way beauty was seen in the past, have been slightly modified into something totally different today. For many years, there has been that one question that has not been proven, even until now. There are few people who have their own opinion on this issue. There have been
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Beauty Standards What Defines Beauty
798 Words | 4 Pages
Beauty Standards: What Defines Beauty? Is there a certain definition of beauty? Is it someone with tan skin and blonde hair? Is it having strong muscles and abs built like a professional football player? Is it having curves? America has a problem of portraying what they think is beautiful. They show unrealistic, unrelatable standards of beauty such as thin body types, fair skin, light eyes, and predominantly white models to an audience of different shapes, sizes, and of color. Advertisements
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Beauty Essay : What Is The Form Of Beauty?
789 Words | 4 Pages
What is beauty? Some may say beauty is only seen from within, and is in the form of natural beauty. Others may say that beauty is a person with a face full of makeup with designer clothes, and a wallet full of money. While others may say that beauty is about the attitude. Beauty is a very versatile and debatable word, because of the unlimited definitions. The first definition of beauty in the Webster’s dictionary states, “beauty is the qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses
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What is Beauty Essay
977 Words | 4 Pages
The ideal of what beauty really is changes in our society from time to time. Everyone has their own opinion of what is beautiful. However the opinion that people mostly tend and heed to is that of the prominent and influential characters in today’s society. Those who claim to know what true beauty is and impel humanity to do and be what they want, as if people were their puppets. Television, magazines, and advertisements play an immense role in this.