Paragraph on benefits of good reading habits
Habbit of reading is very good habbits because now a days if we want to reach on top we should read properly .If we have good reading habbits we can reach to aur goal easily .Their are lot of benefits of good reading habbits .It will help us in aur whole life . If we have habbits of reading we can fight all exams easily and acheive our goal
Reading is one of the habits that boost our mental capabilities ranging from communication and deep thinking to critical analysis skills. Consider, I am a non-reader and do not read, So, I do not have enough knowledge about any topic, but the one who reads a lot know about it through different sources. As the information is from various books, the writers must have different perspectives. Hence, the reader will be confused about which way to act upon, so he thinks deeply to understand the topic clearly. He examines the subject and finds mistakes in both the books upon which he was puzzled while reading. His ability to analyze anything critically will enhance. He comes to know about the way of conveying your idea. However, along with the info, we have other skills. We can use this knowledge wherever we want to help us. Reading forces us to ponder over the topic. Thus, we all should read to not only help ourselves but also benefit others.