Paragraph on bliss of solitude.✍
The 'bliss of solitude' means the blessings of loneliness. The poet William Wordsworth says that when he is alone in vacant and in pensive mood, i.e., when he is not doing anything particular, the daffodils which he had seen in the valley flash upon his inward eye and fill his heart with pleasure.
The ‘bliss of solitude’ means the blessings of loneliness. The poet William Wordsworth says that when he is alone in vacant and in pensive mood, i.e., when he is not doing anything particular, the daffodils which he had seen in the valley flash upon his inward eye and fill his heart with pleasure.
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
This is something the poet can enjoy only because of his loneliness. If he would have been living in the middle of many people, he could never realise the worth of the flowers.
Again, something seen in the ‘inward eye’ means a visual imagination, something spiritual that cannot always be shared with other people. That is why it is ‘solitude’. And as a spiritual vision that brings a feeling of joy, it is a blessing for the poet. That is why he terms the ‘inward eye’ a ‘bliss of solitude’.