English, asked by dvvvvvv, 1 year ago

paragraph on bulling ins school


Answered by sabanaz20032001

There are rules regarding bullying between students at primary and post-primary schools. These are set down in procedures (but not law) issued by the Department of Education and Skills. The following sets out the rules about bullying in schools and the rights of pupils and parents where bullying occurs.

In September 2013 the Department published Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (pdf) – see below. The procedures include the requirement that all schools should have an anti-bullying policy within the framework of their overall code of behaviour. These procedures replace the 1993 Guidelines on Countering Bullying Behaviour in Primary and Post Primary Schools (pdf) - see below.

The Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children (pdf) states that bullying in schools is a particular problem due to the fact that children spend a significant portion of their time there and are in large social groups. In the first instance, the school authorities are responsible for dealing with such bullying. In cases of serious instances of bullying where the behaviour is regarded as possibly abusive it must be reported to Tusla or the Garda.

What is bullying?

Bullying is defined by the Department of Education and Skills guidelines as unwanted negative behaviour, verbal, psychological or physical, conducted by an individual or group against another person (or persons) and which is repeated over time. Placing a once-off offensive or hurtful public message, image or statement on a social network site or other public forum where that message, image or statement can be viewed and/or repeated by other people is also regarded as bullying behaviour.

Bullying can occur at any age, in any environment, and can be long or short-term.


Cyberbullying is bullying through the internet or mobile phone, often through social networking sites used by young people. A booklet GET WITH IT! A guide to cyberbullying (pdf) has been produced as a joint initiative between the Office for Internet Safety, the National Centre for Technology in Education and Barnardos. The booklet is intended to increase awareness of all aspects of cyberbullying including how to identify it and how to prevent it.

Effects of bullying

Many children who are being bullied are afraid to speak out. They are scared of reprisals if they tell someone. Reports have shown that as young people grow older, they are less likely to tell someone. They become more and more isolated, experience depression and, in extreme cases, can harm themselves or attempt suicide.

Signs of bullying

Fear of going to school

Poor or deteriorating schoolwork, inability to concentrate

Withdrawn behaviour


Loss of confidence

Reluctance to go out

Shortage of money

Torn clothes, broken glasses, missing schoolbooks

Repeated signs of bruising and injuries

Why do people bully?

Very often, bullies are themselves suffering from low self-esteem and lack of confidence. They may suffer violence at home. In other cases, they may be reacting to painful changes in their lives, for example, bereavement or divorce. They may want to seek attention or to appear in control. If you think your child might be a bully it is important to recognise this and help him or her to deal with it. You should talk to the class teacher about this bullying behaviour and how it could be changed.

Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools

The Anti-Bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools (pdf) published by the Department of Education and Skills require that an anti-bullying policy should be part of the written code of behaviour in all schools. Each school must follow these procedures when developing its anti-bullying policy. The main elements of the procedures include:

Strong emphasis on the prevention of bullying behaviour through the fostering and development of a positive school culture and climate, based on inclusivity and respect and practical tips on how to achieve this

A school-wide approach to preventing and tackling bullying behaviour

All schools must adhere to the standard template for developing their anti-bullying policy

Schools must publish their anti-bullying policy on the school’s website and give it to the parents’ association

Making clear that the definition of bullying includes cyber-bullying and identity-based bullying (such as homophobic and racist bullying)

Clear procedures for investigating, recording and dealing with bullying

Oversight arrangements that involve the school principal reporting regularly to the Board of Management and a requirement for the Board to do an annual review of the school’s anti- bullying policy and its implementation

dvvvvvv: thanks
sabanaz20032001: welcome
dvvvvvv: ☺️
sabanaz20032001: introduction??/
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