English, asked by jiyaacharya05, 1 month ago

Paragraph on career buliding is the only goal of education..
Around 500 words as a speech ​


Answered by Bikash5574

The main goal of education should be to make you a better person than you were yesterday.

If you are career driven than you should never look at education as the main component of it. Look at education as the new way of doing. Meet new people who have a fresh look at a problem that you will have at work.

When you start a career you should mainly focus on learning as much as you can about how things work at the company that you are currently in. Ask questions and see the ways that you can automize and improve what you are doing right now.

The question that you need to ask yourself is, am I ready to go into the world right now?

If you think you are ready and you know what your goal is then you don’t need education for that. You just need to work on it and get better at it.

Employers value experience much more than education.

Education” is one thing and “career” is another.

If there was a single goal of education, this would be “self-awareness”. That is, to learn how to get to know who you are and what your possibilities are as a human being. Moreover, education can help you attach meaning to your life, depending on your values, needs, and expectations.

Career prospects will follow much later in life, in accordance with a lot of “introverted” and “extroverted” factors based on your critical thinking, personal and social criteria, choices, etc. Your personality, values and attitudes, interests and needs will determine your career goals, always to be questioned or changed.

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