English, asked by sweety525785, 9 months ago

paragraph on dairy writing​


Answered by sadaf9634


Daily diary writing is a very good pleasure and valuable

Diary is like a friend where we write our feelings, incidents and other important things.

It helps you to tell all your feelings and write them

Writing a diary is very good experience one should do it daily it helps in keeping records of our life, increase our vocabulary too. It helps us to realize how was our vocabulary and sentence Formations one or two years ago when you read it, it also makes you feel,

Good, fresh and happy!!

Answered by Anonymous

A diary is where you keep personal musings about your life, the people in it and the things you care about. Your diary is a safe place where you can be honest and candid about your thoughts, feelings and opinions. Diaries are for the eyes of their owners and no one else. Your diary is for you and by you.

A diary is a record (originally in handwritten format) with discrete entries arranged by date reporting on what has happened over the course of a day or other period. ... In British English, the word may also denote a preprinted journal format. A diary is a collection of notes.Day, Date and Time of the entry.

A suitable descriptive heading of the entry you are putting on.

The detailed comprehensive body of the diary entry (i.e. contents).

A Diary should be written in the First Person and not in the second or third, i.e. - I went to the port (not he went to the city).

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