Paragraph on "Diwali without Crackers"what is your opinion
The phrase, ‘Diwali without crackers’, is often referred to as ‘eco-friendly diwali’.i.e., celebration of Diwali festival in a way that do not post threat to the environment.
Diwali Crackers are the firecrackers that comprises of substances that explode on lighting to make loud bursting sound.
In course of time, the ‘festival of light’ has become the ‘festival of crackers’, posing serious threat to the environment.
Reasons to celebrate Diwali without firecrackers:
Fire crackers contribute towards air pollution. They release harmful gases, smokes, and other chemicals in the environment, and contribute towards air pollution.
Many firecracker factories engage children as labors. To put a stop to this, usage of firecrackers should be stopped at once.
Firecrackers should be handled with care. There are safety risks involved with firecrackers.
Firecrackers do not come cheap, and is often a wastage of money.
Human-beings as well as animals are disturbed by the loud noise of firecrackers. Sick people the worst affected.
Instead of firing crackers, we can decorate the places with lights and beautiful ‘Diyas’. Diya is an oil lamp made of clay. Deepak or Deepa means ‘source of light’. Light denotes enlightenment, prosperity, success, wealth, happiness as well as better health.
Diwali without crackers
The Supreme Court has passed an order that only environmental friendly lightings or green crackers will be allowed. But people are ignoring both the law and the adverse consequences of bursting crackers.
Bursting crackers are hazardous to human and the environment. When bursting crackers, the smoke of hazardous gasses are released and pollute the air causing respiratory diseases.
Children are more vulnerable to the toxic substances of crackers and air pollution.
During Diwali Festival excessive bursting of crackers results in thick smog in many cities. This causes breathing problems to the people. Road accidents occurred due to poor visibility because of thick pollution of the air. Many flights are also cancelled.
Apart from the pollution of the air, crackers pollute our environment with noise pollution. The pollutants from crackers cause the dead of birds and animals. The loud bursting sound can be traumatic to our pets and other animals.
Therefore I appeal to people to say "No" to crackers during Diwali celebration. Diwali is a special festival and it can sparkles without any firecrackers. Together we can keep our environment healthy and safe for us to live in.