English, asked by ajeetKumaraj5773, 11 months ago

Paragraph on how do you gerenally take care of your pet


Answered by piyalikolay839


Taking Care of Your Pet 

Can you hear the cries of those who do not communicate in the human language? How about the fearful mewing of a motherless kitten? Do you worry for the exhaustion of a donkey, staggering under a load to heavy to bear. Does your heart skip a beat when you hear the whimpering of a lost puppy? Are you filled with sadness when you an animal that has been hit by a car? Do you take in strays and feed them because they are all skin and bones? If so you are a pet lover. You would never hurt a pet. You know the importance of taking care of a pet. Taking care of your pets is a responsibility that you need to have. Pet care involves going the veterinarian, a nutritious diet, and plenty of exercise. 

First of all, it is recommended that you take your pet to the vet at least once a year. This ensures that your pet has a healthy diet. From your vet you can get any kind medicine that your pet might need. Like heartworm medicine, which should be given to your pet at least once a month. You can also get vitamins for your vet, which is very essential to your dogs diet. Vitamins help in the cold winter months, which can be the hardest on your pet’s joints and bones. If you notice that your pet is walking slower or is not as playful then it is recommended that you get vitamins for your pet. You can get these at you vet’s office, a pet store, a department store that has a pet department such as Wal-mart. When you first receive your pet you may need to go more than once to get all the shots for your pet. It is very important for your pets to have their shots. Shots can be very beneficial to their health. Shots protect your pet from getting many diseases. Also if you take in strays you should always have the che...

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...dog on a daily basis loose five times more weight than those who walk alone. 

God was so interest in the welfare of the animals that He commanded Noah to build an Ark big enough to hold two of each kind of animal. In Genesis 1:26 God entrusted us to care for these beautiful creations. Taking care of your pet entails going to the vet, a balanced and nutritious diet, and plenty of exercise. So if you heart goes out the animals that are bred in cramped quarters and exploited for profit. If you cry at pictures and stories of abused animals, then you are an animal lover at heart. You know the importance of taking on the responsibility of caring for a pet. Pass the wisdom on to your children, friends, and neighbors. Everyone should treat animals with care. Animal abuse is a crime; people need to be educated in the responsibility of taking care of their pets. 

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