English, asked by divyanshipoona67, 2 months ago

Paragraph on "How Should we live on the Earth"
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Answered by Mahesh50124


Pollution has been the root cause of the destruction of our planet. From seas to land, and even mountains; every place has been covered with debris and litter. Our Earth is choking, and we must act urgently to prevent it from becoming a dead planet. The most basic thing that we can do is limit our polluting activities. We must adopt the three steps of ‘Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle’ to limit the amount of waste we produce. We can recycle plastic to prevent it from littering the entire surface of our planet.

Answered by sensanchita62


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How should we live on the earth - Essay Example

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The earth is regarded as the only planet where life exists; therefore, as human beings, we should find ways to coexist in harmony with the earth and the environment. Over the years, philosophers and sociologists have come up with theories, which explain the existence of man…


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How should we live on the earthRead Text

Subject: English

Type: Essay

Level: College

Pages: 4 (1000 words)

Downloads: 2

Author: medhurstelian

Extract of sample "How should we live on the earth"

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Hence, land is valuable to man and even biblically “since the days of Ezekiel and Isaiah”. The question of how we should live on earth has been there since the early civilization of man. Through his works, Leopold can be referred to as the founder of establishing how man and the environment should coexist. This is because he is regarded as the first person to invoke the topic on land ethic in the 21st century. He came up with this terminology through his book ‘A Sand County Almanac’. He referred to land ethic as a theory that directs human beings actions in land utilization or when making changes to land (Leopold).

It is wise for human beings to safeguard and conserve the land as he lives on earth. Leopold argued that Land ethic is a limitation of the freedom to use land when trying to exist. Further, ethics have developed with evolution of man and ecology. Ethics mean that there are socially acceptable and unacceptable ways of dealing with or utilizing land. The use of land ethics starts from an individual whereby, the individual should cultivate ways of coexisting with the environment. Secondly, land ethics can be exercised by the community that can develop instincts and rules of how it should coexist with land.

Therefore, there are various inspirations, theories and explanations that explain how we should live on earth and some of them are highlighted in this essay. . When we relate this to the current world, these members are all that makes up the earth we live in. Each of these members should live in coexistence with others in a big community. Land ethic in this community inspires changes in the role of human beings on earth from being conquerors of the community, to being members in the community (Leopold).

Therefore, human beings should respect the other members of the community to ensure there is coexistence. Secondly, we should ensure that there is harmonious living between the earth and us. As human beings, we should have knowledge and use it to ensure that the earth is in a state of harmony. Humans should embrace education that is focused towards conservation so that they can ensure harmony in the earth. To promote harmony, we should seek to ensure that the ecology in our environment is conserved.

To support this, People should join in organizations so that they can step up education about the environment. The knowledge gained through such education should be used to conserve the earth and hence, ensure harmony (Leopold). For example, farmers should be educated on soil conservation methods in order to prevent soil erosion, learn how to use machinery on their fields and good crop farming techniques. They should use this knowledge to ensure that the community (the earth) also benefits from their activities.

To live in harmony, we must perceive the earth as a friend, therefore, this will help us to see that the earth provides for our needs, and we should care for it. In addition, we should perceive the earth as one complete living organism, which has various parts that include all the members, who must all cooperate with each other. Thirdly, we should live in the earth by first identifying our position in the

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