English, asked by reena20bajpai, 7 months ago

Paragraph on I missing my school? only 150 -100 words please


Answered by Anonymous

In olden days, there were no schools as

we find today. Every temple or mosque

was a school. The Priest or the Maulvi

was the only teacher. There were very

few books or no books at all. The Guru

taught by word of mouth.

The boys sat round him in a circle. They

sat on the bare ground. There were

no tables and chairs, the boys listened

to the Guru with rapt attention. They

learnt their lesson by rote. They had to

memorize the scriptures. A student who

could learn by heart the largest number

of scriptures in the shortest possible time

was considered to be the ablest. There

were practically no games and sports.

The students crammed and chanted the

scriptures day and night.There was no fuss in any shape or form.

They resided with their Guru. Boarding

and lodging were free. These temples

and mosques got handsome grants from kings and princes. Sometimes the students had to go to the neighbouring villages and towns to beg for alms.

The householders considered it a duty to

give them alms. The students led a hard,

simple and virtuous life. Plain living and

high' thinking was their motto. The Guru

looked upon them as his own sons. He took the fullest interest in them.

There was a close and intimate contact

between the teacher and the taught. The

students obeyed the Guru implicitly. They were ready to make any sacrifice at his

bidding.There was no discipline, no

misbehaviour, no strikes and no ugly

demonstrations. The students had the

greatest regard for their Guru. His word was law for them. They worshipped him.They were always at his beck and call.

They did everything with their own hands. They led a life of penance. Their life was well regulated. The contact between the teacher and the taught was life-long. It was most sacred. The Guru's status was the highest.

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