paragraph on impact coronavirus on business jaldi batoo
The journey to recovery and reinvention continues
Today’s CEOs are faced with overwhelming, competing challenges and uncharted waters as they continue to navigate the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many organizations are already taking “no regret” actions to emerge from the pandemic stronger. These leaders are facing the crisis with a spirit of reinvention—accelerating digital transformation, establishing variable cost structures, and implementing agile operations.
But in recent weeks, the landscape has changed, with the pandemic continuing to peak in some markets and returning in others. Amidst this uncertainty, the steps for reopening and reinvention remain unchanged, but companies must now consider how the pandemic’s progress, strength or recurrence in different geographies is impacting their recovery strategies.
Companies must outmaneuver uncertainty by course correcting, again and again as circumstances change. This requires them to reassess assumptions, re-evaluate scenarios and strengthen their ability to sense and respond.