paragraph on importance of locally made items and goods
In our increasingly homogeneous world, there is something extremely satisfying about buying something that has been grown, produced or lovingly hand crafted by someone within ones own community. At the beginning of the year, Knysna & Partners went on a mission to showcase and thus promote as many locally made products as possible with the launch of our #KnysnaMade initiative. Over the past year, we have discovered and unveiled many awesome and unique local products and have shared the fascinating stories of the incredible people behind them.
Buying local has both far reaching benefits for the community and the environment. Across the board research studies have shown that small-scale, locally owned businesses create communities that are more prosperous, more strongly connected, and generally better off across a wide range of metrics. So where we buy our daily bread, so to speak, is more important than many of us think.
Christmas is around the corner. So before you make a beeline to the nearest mall to buy gifts for your loved ones that have been mass produced in China, it is worth considering the many benefits of keeping your money local.
Here are just a few good reasons why buying and supporting local is so lekker!
• When you buy from an independent, locally-owned business, rather than nationally-owned businesses, more money stays and flows within the community, which serves to strengthen its economic base.
• Locally made, one-of-kind products form an integral part of the character of our greater Knysna area. The greater Knysna area has become widely known for its unique arts and crafts and we are certainly spoilt for choice when it comes to the wide variety of unique local goods available.
• If you buy local produce, you are supporting local farmers. And there is certainly no shortage of fantastic farmers markets in our area, where a cornucopia of fresh, high quality local produce can be found. We have the Harkerville Market, The Friday Night Market, the Wild Oats Market, The Sedgefield Mosaic Market and the Scarab Market.
• Make sure to also visit The Green Road in Sedgefield, where organic, locally made produce is sourced from small scale farmers.
• Buying local food produce is better for your health. When it is fresher it it is has more nutrients. Fresh produce loses nutrients quickly and locally grown food, purchased and eaten soon after harvest is a much better option than eating produce that has been travelling for miles on a truck only to line the shelves of a big chain supermarket for weeks afterwards.
• Buying local helps save the environment. When you consider the carbon footprint of transporting goods long distances to consumers, it makes total sense to buy your products locally. The individual choices we make on a daily basis affects the environment in which we live, so make sure to minimize the field to fork journey of your food and buy local.
Paragraph writing.
As humans, we are all dependent on each other and also on other sources for the things we eat and wear. But with the increase in the production of more synthesized and harmful products just to gain more profit for the company, the environment is suffering. For this to be stopped, we all need to turn to more locally produced items for our daily lives.
Staying away from the use of plastics which comprised the majority of the pollution of the earth is one such act we all need to adhere to. Instead, we can turn to the use of nature based products, be it cotton bags, or environmental friendly, recyclable items. Not only will this help in the healing of our planet and help in the improvement of the condition of the environment, it will also help in the development and progress of the small scale producers in selling their wares and gain more popularity. It will be a boon for the local producers and help in their living conditions, thereby bringing about the whole improvement of these small and lesser known producers.
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