Paragraph on internet a social evil at least 100 words
Introduction : We live in the age of the internet. Also, it has become an important part of our life that we can't live without it. Internet has so many advantages as well as so many disadvantages also.
Online interactions, communication and sharing of content and information through the internet is done through social media and social networking sites. May this social networking sites may have their benefits, they also have some disadvantages as well. one of these disadvantages is creating social evils in the society.
Social evils issues that involve members of a society being affected morally. Social evils is anything which harms our society.
It weakens relationship because people are involved in making new friends without face-to-face interaction. Individual tend to spend most of the time talking to there far away friends and tend to neglect their close relations in the process. The bonding between peoples become weak.
Conclusion : Using of internet is depend on us, how we use it, what way we use it.