paragraph on internet affects creativity
Internet Affects Creativity
In the present era , internet is spreading widely all around the world. now almost everyone have a smartphone through which they serve information over internet. Internet handmade things more and more easily than earlier. Specially when we talk about the role of internet in a student's life then it's the helping hand of the student.
Nowadays , when students face doubts in any question they search the answer of it on internet instead of thinking about it more and more by their own mind which indirectly kills their creativity and many more skills inside them.
Well , internet has all the answers posted by many users that is why one can get his her answers very easily. But , it's also the matter of discussion that not directly but indirectly the students are are killing their creativity power which is far More golden then having a helping hand like internet.
In conclusion, students should try out solving there doubts themselves only in case of big problems they should take help of internet.