English, asked by Subhrasuman1234, 8 months ago

Paragraph on Kashmir about 150 to 200 words


Answered by Anonymous


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Synopsis:  Since independence India and Pakistan have been at loggerheads on Kashmir. Pakistan has sponsored terrorism and secessionist elements in the valley.  She has fought three unsuccessful wars against India in the last 50 years on the issue.  Pakistan’s belief that Muslims cannot live as equals in Hindyu-dominent India is baseless.  India is a secular State and there are more Muslims hating in Pakistan itself.  Kashmir’s accessing to India is final and irrevocable.  Political compulsions in Islamabad oblige the leaders there to keep the issue unnecessarily alive and burning.  The US’s own interest makes the matter more complex and disturbing. It is essential that Article 370 is abrogated and Kashmir’s full integration is achieved.  There are some other imperatives which should be taken care of by the popular government immediately.

           For over 50 years there hasbeen bitter hostility over Kashmir between India and Pakistan. Pakistan-sponsored terrorist and extremist outfits have been active of a long time in the valley coursing huge losses in terms of human lives and property.  The secessionist elements trained, armed and sneaked into Kashmir have been systematicallyarryng out sabotage, killing o innocent people, desecration of places of worship, exploding bombs and kidnapping common people and even visitors and foreign tourists.  India is a secular State and there are more Muslims in India then Pakistan. They constitute 13 per cent of the total population of the country of 970 million people.

           Political compulsion in Pakistan oblige the leaders n Islamabad to keep Kashmir issue alive and burning and it is reside again and gains in international forums and conferences of the Islamic nations inspire of the hard fact that Kashmir will remain were it has been for the seat 5 decades- in the thick of all the hype, hoopla and dispute.  The US has its own interests and does not want the issue to be us on the back burner.  She still does not recognize Kashmir as an integral part of India and insists that the issue be settled bilaterally. Washington believes that the valley is still a disputed territory between the two countries and it helps her in mandating her pressure on both the countries.

           The US has declared the Pakistan based terrorist outfit Harkatul-Ansar as terrorist organization, and the other extremist group Kashmir Liberation Front, again sponsored and supported by Islamabad, is under watch and may be soon declared a terrorist outfit by the US Administration.  This action of the US branding the Hark at as a terrorist group is although a belated one, and yet it is has gladdened the Indian establishment.  Now, Pakistan finds itself in a very embracing position as it has amply proved and highlighted the Indian contenting that Pakistan was involved in terrorist activates in India.

           There are certain political compulsions behind these firings and military skirmished.  There has been long drawn out communal violence in Pakistan resulting in thousands of deaths and destructing of property on a large scalpel The Pakistani economy has been in shambles and corruption has been boundless.  Moreover the war next door in Afghanistan threatens to enter into Pakistan.  Therefore, Pakistani rulers find it convenient to keep the LOC alive to divert the attention of the Pak public from ties own failures and bungling.  In the words of some experts the Pakistani leaders have turned the LOC into a lifeline for Pakistan. Unfortunately, Pakistan’s one onto a gene in her relation with India is that of Kashmir.  

           We should not commit the past mistakes on this sensitive and compels issue.  First we committed a serious mistake by taking the issue in the UN in the fond hope that the world community in general and super powers in particular see reason and do justice to India, the biggest democracy and a secular State. Second mistake was when we agreed to discuss the Kashmir issue under Shaman Agreement.  While discussing Kashmir with Pakistan the vacation of aggression by her input should also be raised  The Gujral doctrine, in relation to Pakistan, need not be stretched too far and should be to the teen of right response from the opposite party lest should be construed as our weakness.

Answered by shanmukh51


hii mate here is your answer ⏬⏬⏬


Kashmir is top of the India.Jammu and Kashmir was a reason formally administrator by India has a state 1954 to 2019 constituting the south and southeast portion of the larger Kashmir region which has been the subject of a dispute between India and Pakistan and China since middle 20 century in 2019 mid onwards Jammu and Kashmir is not considered as a state population in 2011 of Jammu and Kashmir was 1.25 crores.

please mark it as brainlist answer ⭐⭐⭐

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