paragraph on life is real life is earniest
something that is not the mere shadow or a dream.
That life is real is a glaringly obvious fact. We cannot explain away the fact of our existence; they are only too true and tangible. We feel this reality in our consciousness, in our appetites, in our aspiration, in our joys and sorrows. Life may be pleasant or unpleasant — that depends on many factors; but we feel its tangible reality in the very fact of being alive from moment to moment with the tingle in the blood.
Once we recongnize its reality, our whole attitude to it will change. For then we have got to find a purpose and a meaning in life, and to shape our lives accordingly. We will have to act with a object and fixed purpose.
What that aim and objects are will be interpreted differently. Those who are helplessly tied to modern society with "its sick hurry and divided aim", may be inclined to look upon life as nothing better than a "long headache in a noisy street" or a -walking shadow. But those who study the actual conditions of life and the limitation that those conditions impose on us, will recognize that the supreme business of life is to change the conditions, to supersede when we find them cramping our efforts, and thus win us freedom from our limitations.