paragraph on magical school bus
The Magic School Bus is an American edutainment media franchise that includes a book series, a TV series, a streaming series, and video games. Each of the stories within the franchise centers on the antics of a fictional elementary school teacher, Ms. Frizzle, and her class, who board a "magic school bus", which takes them on field trips to unusual times and locations, such as the Cretaceous Period, outer space, and inside a human body.
One of the books that I choose is in a series called The Magic School bus. The book in this series
is The Great Shark Escape. The book is about a science class with a crazy teacher, her name is Ms. Frizzle
Mr. Frizzle has a much different approach to teaching her classes then most teachers. She hops on the
Magic school bus and takes her class to the unknown, in this trip she takes them to the ocean so they
(her students) could figure what animal they wanted to do for there science project. The class takes off into
the underwater and face-to-face with all kinds of sharks, from the Great White to the Goblin shark. The
Type of book that this is a science fiction. The reason why I say this is because all thought the book I
learned so much about sharks and most of all sea life. The reason why I say that its fictional is because
we all know that a bus can not do all the things that the Magic school bus can do. The Setting in this book
is in the deep ocean and at one point the class was in a sharks mouth looking around. The time in this book
is almost the future, because of the magic bus that takes them everywhere and can do just about everything.
There is one class mate Arnold that is afraid of all the sea life and this makes the story more interesting
Because Ms. Frizzle is trying to make Arnold more at ease with the beautiful sea life. Arnold creates a
Great conflict with the rest of the class because Arnold wants nothing more then to get on land and go
Home, but the rest of the class is having fun and they want to stay and explore. Arnold acts like this
Because of his age , hes just a little boy. By the end of the book the whole class gets seasick and Arnold
does not , he has to drive the bus out of the water and one to land, Arnold saves the day and proves that he
is not scared anymore. I would recommend this to any child its fun and is filled with facts.