paragraph on means of communication
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Devices used to talk, or to send message one end to other, or from one person to other are called means of communication. Means of Communication are the most necessary part of modern lifestyle. In modern age, there are many types of means of communications like News Paper, Telephone, Mobile, TV, Internet etc. They play very important role in our daily life activities. There is great Importance of Means of Communications in everyone's life, in this age.
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Means of communication is known as the tools and technology which facilitate for exchanging information, ideas and opinions between people and organizations of different places. The office uses a suitable means of communication to pass a particular message. According to the availability and suitability of the means of communication, the right means of communication is selected. Some of the examples of means of communication are Telephone, telegram, fax, e- mail, the internet, and telex etc. The means of communication under different modes are as follows:
Telegram is a wireless system of communication which transmit a message to the distant place without wire connection system. It is helpful to send an urgent and short message. According to the length of the message and its urgency, the cost of the telegram is calculated. It is used for the place where there is no telephone. The device used to send a message is called telegraph. The message sent through telegraph inside the country is called telegram and outside the country is called cablegram.
It is one of the popular electronic systems of the communication device by which text and graphics from source can be transmitted and received in the same format from one place to another place. It helps to send lengthy messages to a distant place comparatively at a lower cost.
Electronic mail (e- mail)
An e-mail is a text message sent to the computer with the help of telephone and an internet service provider. There are also those companies like,, and that provide free mail- box to its clients. E- Mail is the cheapest and the fastest means of communication which is not always safe. Your email can be stolen or deleted by the person you never know. here is the example of an email id [email protected], this is the email address created by kullabs smart school. Hence, we can send a message to kullabs smart school using this email address.
The Internet is a better means of communication which has become a global market. Many people have transactions of millions of dollars every day. E- Commerce is only possible through the internet. The Internet is the latest advanced technological that promote trade and industry, banking education health, insurance and so on. It has changed the lifestyle of the people. It provides an additional employment opportunity.
A letter is a written or printed communication on certain subject or problem. It exchanges ideas, information, order, instruction, direction and guidelines from one department or office to another department or office in written from. Every administrative work can be carried out smoothly and effectively through a letter.
Telex is an international system of telegraphy with printed messages transmitted and received by teleprinters using the public telecommunications network. The message sent through telex can be displayed in television monitor or in other display devices. It helps to write a message, send news, transmitted time schedule of trains and displays airplane schedule. Telex is the cheapest and fastest means of communication through a telephone line.
Postal service
The postal service is the cheapest, easiest, popular, convenient and reliable in spite of other means of communication. It is the process of carrying and transferring letters, documents, parcels and money from people and organizations of one place to other different places. It is one of the oldest means of communication.
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