paragraph on Modern transport system
With the modern transportation system, it is easy and flexible to move from one point to another, even if it means having to change your mode of transport. Airports for example have a bus, train or metro terminal connected to them. Sometimes they are all managed by the same transport company and provide combined tickets.
Today, commuters spend many hours in traffic jams on the access roads to their jobs in the cities. This is also confirmed by figures recently published by the German automobile club ADAC in its 2017 traffic jam balance for Germany. According to this study, road users spent around 457,000 hours in traffic jams, which is 9 percent more than in the previous year. The autoclub recorded 723,000 traffic jams in 2017, an increase of around 4 percent compared to 2016. There was also an increase in congestion kilometers: they totalled a total length of 1,448,000 kilometers - an increase of 5 percent. On average, an avalanche of 4000 kilometers of standing or slow-going cars formed in Germany every day. And these are only the figures for Germany!
The situation is no different in all other metropolitan regions around the globe: Be it Paris or Rome, New York, Los Angeles or Lagos, Beijing, Tokyo – stop and go and traffic jams, wherever you look. As half of mankind already lives in cities or in the catchment area of cities today, hardly anything will change in this situation, if we do not take countermeasures. Modern, new transport concepts that take account of individual traffic as well as public transport, cyclists and pedestrians become more and more important.