Paragraph on morning assembly on a fire grill
Morning Assembly
Oh! That's the worst part of the school rules right? We don't like to sing that boring songs, prayers and all those things right? Yes it's true that's why we make lame excuses to quit the morning assembly. That's my feeling to but in reality it's the best part of school rules! What would have happened if there was no Mornning Assembly? NO ANNOUNCEMENTS NO PRAYERS NO ONE WOULD SING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM right? But not signing the nationals anthem and remembering God .. is it cool..?? I don't think so. Morning Assembly is the excuse to remember the mighty God before starting the entire day work. Sing national anthem develops enthusiasm of being a nationalist to rememera our nation and givintage the a tribute , do we sing the national anthem rather singing it in our schools I don't I don't have much time for.that . In Moring assembly we
Whole schoolassembls and it also developseems email lingo for unity among us. So better that we should develop habit to attend our morning assembly