paragraph on My pet parrot
Having a pet of your own is wonderful and someone like me who really enjoys pets would really enjoy the love, affection and fun that one would have, while having a pet. Of all the pets, the most common is the dog and I also have a little one as my pet.The name of my little doggie is Cookie. He is a Pomeranian. He is so sweet and small and is always beside me. We bought him home when he was hardly a month old. He is so cute and he is white in colour. We have developed a bond from then on and is still strong. It was so much fun in training him for his activities and playing games. He is now like a member of the family. He joins me in all my day to day activities. He gets up with me in the morning and accompanies me for my morning exercise and run to school. While me being at school, I really miss him and he misses me too.
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