paragraph on necessity is the mother of invention in
A well known proverb that we all know and quite use frequently is "Necessity is the mother of invention".
It basically means that when you have nothing or no means to complete something you do that by resorting to any sort of means.
No matter how small or big our necessities might be we always tend to fulfill them through hard work and effort.
"Necessity is the mother of invention"
Necessity is the mother of invention means that when put in a difficult situation, one is likely to think and be inspired to create a novel or ingenious solution. Plato is often credited with this phrase. This saying appears in the dialogue Republic, by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. However, the proverb was well known before it appeared in translations of his works. This proverb has been around for centuries and proven to be a fact of life in every ages of human history.
The primary driving force for most new inventions is a need. When put in a difficult situation, one is likely to be inspired to create a novel or ingenious solution. Necessity is the main force behind every new invention and discovery. A need or problem encourages creative efforts to meet the need or solve the problem.
When a necessity cannot be attained by existing means, we are naturally compelled to use our mental faculty and intelligence to find ways to meet our needs. A need or problem encourages creative efforts to meet the need or solve the problem. Necessity is indeed the main force behind every new invention and discovery.