Hindi, asked by prasanta1994, 10 months ago

paragraph on parrot


Answered by ams68


The Parrot is an exceptionally Beautiful Bird. It is stunning to take a gander. It has a red mouth. Its quills are green. Some of Parrots have red plumes at the best. Its nose is bended. It is solid and Pointed. Round the neck of a Parrot there are dark rings. They look extremely Beautiful.

Where to find

The Parrot is found in all the warm nations. It doesn’t care to live in frosty spots. It for the most part lives in the hollows of trees. It manufactures settle and lays its eggs in it. It lays eggs twice per year.

Various types

The Parrot eats grains, natural products, leaves seeds. It is partial to natural products, for example, pears, nuts, mangoes, and so on. It additionally adores to eat bubbled rice. Once in a while Parrots enter corn-fields or poppy fields in extensive number. They gobble up the grains or crude poppies.


The Parrot can fly quick. Parrots regularly fly in herds. Seeing their flying data offers delight to us. They eat their food particularly. They find a thing quick with their legs. They remove it with their bills and gobble it up. They live to a decent maturity.

Parrots can figure out how to talk. If they hear similar words over and over, they can rehash them as well. At the point when a Parrot learns numerous things, it talks like people. It at that point gives a decent cost to its proprietor.


Many individuals train Parrots to do magnificent things. They bring home the bacon by giving shows. For every one of these reasons the Parrot is loved particularly by a few people.

Answered by AMS68LOVER

Parrot is beautiful as well as an incredible bird. Its scientific name is psittaciforms. There are about 372 parrot species all around the world.

Its peculiar features are curved hard beak, strong pterodactyl foot.. means two toes at the front and two toes at back. The parrots are often brightly coloured. Usually Indian parrots are green however, there are many coloured feathered parrots are there two. To illustrate specifically red, grey, multicoloured are some. The size is approximately 3.5 to 40 inches. Weight is 64 grm to 1.6 kg. Worlds heaviest parrot is kakapo 4 kg. Pygmy parrot species is the smallest in the world 10grm.Parrots are usually found in tropical climates. It lives in holes of tall trees. Their life span is about 80 years. It lays eggs twice a year.

They are omnivorous. Their strong beak and muscular tongue helps them to feed. They fly very fast and often fly in flocks. They are the only bird species that can use its foot to bring food to its mouth. They are self medicating birds. They eat clay to detoxify themselves.

Parrots are believed to be one of the most intelligent of all bird species. It can learn to talk and mimic human voice

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