English, asked by sourav6158, 9 months ago

paragraph on right to vote in hundred words​


Answered by krdeepanshu


Every U.S. citizen has the right to vote, and when given the opportunity it should be taken advantage of. By voting, you are participating in being a U.S. citizen. If one has a strong opinion on a certain subject or a person, it is important to let it be known. In the presidential election, each president had strong views on several different topics. If you do not vote based on your beliefs, for example in the presidential election, then you could have a man in charge of the country whom you have a negative outlook on. Each person has a right to his or her own opinion and it should be expressed. It is also important to vote in an election because every vote counts and can make a large difference. 

             Voting gives everyone the chance to express his or her views on different topics. In the previous presidential election, many people had different outlooks on each of the two candidates, Bush and Kerry. Many argued over the pros and cons on each of the two, yet did not vote. It is important to express yourself. Had everyone voted that had a particular view on these two people, the end result in the election may have turned out differently. If a person is given the right to vote, then it should be taken advantage of.

             It is also necessary to vote because every vote counts. An individual vote could make a difference. There are millions of people in the United States that are eligible to vote, yet several do not take this opportunity. Many people think that one vote, their vote, will not make a difference in the outcome of the election. Think of it this way, if one third of the registered voters did not vote because they think theirs will not make a difference, then that is several votes that could have made an impact. 

             There are more and more issues in the world today. There are divided feelings on religion, war, marriage, and several other important matters

Answered by koninayak


right to vote is an article of 23

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