English, asked by ayushiasn2000, 1 year ago

paragraph on rights and responsibilities of a citizen


Answered by Khadir
Rights of a citizen
Freedom to express yourself.Freedom to worship as you wish.Right to a prompt, fair trial by jury.Right to vote in elections for public officials.Right to apply for federal employment requiring U.S. citizenship.Right to run for elected office.Freedom to pursue “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Responsibilities of a citizen
Support and defend the Constitution.Stay informed of the issues affecting your community.Participate in the democratic process.Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws.Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.Participate in your local community.Pay income and other taxes honestly, and on time, to federal, state, and local authorities.Serve on a jury when called upon.Defend the country if the need should arise. I think these rights and responsibilities will help you ;) :)
Answered by kalakarandlaje
The thing that makes any person a good citizen is its sense of ownership for the country. He doesn't waste electricity and water; he only uses the amount necessary for him and leaves the rest to use by others. He never damages any public property and also stops other to harm any of the national structure. Good citizen is the one who abides by all the rules and laws of the country. He pays tax and also uses his right when it’s time to vote.We all live in one country or other and our birth makes us the citizen of that country. Our country gives us identity and in turn, it is our responsibility to be a good citizen. There are some responsibilities of the good citizen that every person must follow. These responsibilities don’t only improve our surroundings but also give inner peace. 
A good citizen is the one who is helpful and broad minded. He stays calm and doesn't make life of others harder. It is the responsibility of every person to keep its area clean, so a good citizen never throws trash on the streets. He helps others in every way possible. He remains nice and fair to his neighbors. A good citizen is not a mischief maker. If explained simply, a good citizen is the one who is a true gentleman and he doesn't follow good practices alone but also teaches others to do the same.
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