paragraph on role a class teacher
Classroom Teacher as Manager
In many ways, the role of a classroom teacher is that of manager. He/she passes out and collects numerous forms, takes attendance and lunch count, responds to illness, supervises recess, manages transitions, responds to parent emails, notes and phone calls, organizes the coat rack, finds lost mittens (and other articles), prepares/cleans a classroom environment, orders materials and creates an atmosphere for learning. These are all time consuming tasks, but not tasks, in general, that require extensive subject knowledge or instructional understanding. Should all of the tasks above be the responsibility of a classroom teacher? Would it be better to broaden the responsibilities above to all faculty members so that every professional educator has responsibility for the management of a relatively equal group of students, or would it be better to start a new role in schools, one in which people are hired to manage the procedural aspects of running a school including attendance, lunch count, recess duty, transitions, coat rack organization and more?
Classroom Teacher as Social Skills/Behavior Counselor
A large part of teaching involves coaching and mentoring related to social skills and behavior. Students come to school with all kinds of attitudes and readiness with regard to learning and working together, and teachers work day in and day out with students to develop their abilities related to optimal social skills, behavior and emotional intelligence. This is an area of school life where I believe advisory groups would be better than homerooms as advisory groups could include all professional educators in a building which would mean smaller social groups to guide and mentor related to optimal social skills, behavior and emotional intelligenceAmong the greatest of all services that can be rendered by men to Almighty God, is the education and training of children, so that they can foster by grace in the way of salvation, growing� likepearls of divine bounty in the shell of education and will be one day the jewel in the crown of abiding glory.
Henry Von Dyke has said about teachers and teaching �Ah! There you have the worst paid and the best rewarded of vocations.� Do not enter it unless you love it. For the vast majority of men and women it has no promise of wealth and fame, but they to whom it is dear for its own sake are among the nobility of mankind.� I sing the praise of the unknown teacher, king of himself and leader of the mankind,� This, we may say is the philosophical meaning of teaching, but is very relevant and meaning also.
The teacher is the yardstick that measures the achievements and aspirations of the nation.� The worth and potentialities of a country get evaluated in and through the work of the teacher, �The people of a country are the enlarged replica of their teacher.�� They are the real nation builders.
It needs no description that the teacher is the pivot of any educational system of the younger students.� On him rests the failure or the success of the system.� If the teachers are well educated and if they are intellectually alive and take keen interest in their job, then only, success is ensured.� But, if on the other hand, they lack training in education and if they cannot give their heart to their profession, the system is destined to fail.� Hence, the teacher is another vital component of the school.In fact, even though a teacher spends the majority of the day in the classroom, the actual teaching component is only part of the job. An effective teacher understands that teaching involves wearing multiple hats to ensure that the school day runs smoothly and all students receive a quality education.
The teacher is a dynamic force of the school.� A school without teacher is just like a body without the soul, a skeleton without flesh and blood, a shadow without substance.� �There is no greater need for the cause of education today than the need for strong manly men and motherly women as teachers for the young�.� As social engineers, the teachers can socialize and humanize the young by their man-like qualities