Seasons are six ---- summer, the rains, autumn, late autumn, winter and spring. Seasons change in cyclic order. Summer is the first season. It covers the month of April and May. The sun shines brightly and people suffer from heat. Violent storms visit the season. The rainy season comes after summer. It extends from June to August. Then the sky remains cloudy. The rains bring relief from heat. Ponds, tanks, rivers are filled with water. Rain helps agriculture. But heavy rain may bring flood.
Next comes autumn. It is the season of sweet moonshine. The fields are full of paddy. It is a season of several festivals like Durga Puja, Dewali, Eid, etc. Next comes winter. It is the season of cold, cough and warm clothes. It is a painful season to the poor. It is also a season of Christmas, flowers, fruits, festivals, feasts, fair and functions. If Winter comes can Spring be far behind ? Spring is the loveliest season. There is no heat, no cold nor rain. All seasons are useful to mankind and to nature.