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Teamwork is a group of people with various complementary skills, working together a common vision. It generates performance greater than the sum of the performance of its individual members. There are some tasks that cannot be done individually, but can be easily accomplished by working in a team.
The high of a project are more motivation when working as a team. If you work alone, who are going to high - five when you get something working ? Do teamwork is quite encouraging in college, in university and in company.
Teams should collect and welcome a wide range of opinions to remain effective in their decision making. Team members operate within a context of performance reviews, the respect of promotions, and the desire to maintain positive relationships with team members and others with a larger group.
Teamwork is working together of people to achieve a certain goal. Teamwork is the basic need for an organisation to function. Without teamwork nothing is possible. So that the workload gets divided. And each team has an expert who guides different team members with his prior experience.