paragraph on the food and agriculture of arunachal pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh agriculture is the main protagonist of the people out there and among all, Jhum cultivation is the major occupation in the state's agricultural sector. Jhum cultivation means collective farming and it acquires central position in the agricultural sector of Arunachal Pradesh.
The agriculture in Arunachal Pradesh mainly focuses on Jhuming. Jhum cultivation is the main occupation of the farmers in Arunachal Pradesh and it has been practiced since past few decades. Majority of people in Arunachal Pradesh are dependent on this field of agriculture for their livelihood. Jhuming involves cleaning a particular portion of jungle by cutting off the trees and burning them and then sowing seeds in those clear areas with the help of a poker. Jhuming cultivation is practiced in Arunachal Pradesh agriculture after a certain lapse of years and the process is popularly known as Jhum cycle. Men, women, and children of Arunachal Pradesh everyone participates in this field of agriculture and put forth a hard labor that continues for around 5-6 months.