English, asked by parul2345, 3 months ago

Paragraph on Troublesome Guests​


Answered by swarnima360

Answer: Man is a social animal. He lives in a society where guests, visit form a part of life. But there are some unwelcome guests also. They cause and create great nuisance. While cursing this type of guests in our heart, we have to entertain them. This is that odd situation from which we can’t run away. We have to tolerate him as we cannot ask him to go away. We feel boredom but we are helpless. One month prior to my Board Examinations, my maternal uncle came to our house. I was making my preparations for the examination, but he was a big setback in this. As he is an idler he never bothered for my studies. He will be busy watching TV at a very high volume. He will never leave me alone; instead he remains in my room without any reason. He com­pelled me to listen to his useless talks which were all irrelevant and full of nonsense. Suddenly one day my elder maternal uncle came and took him away. It was a great relief for me.Whenever somebody remarks or mentions about troublesome guests I can’t help recalling the frightful memories of our dear troublesome guests.

As the Duttas’ family are quite friendly type, they are undoubtedly dear and near to us. But when you think of their untimely, unexpected especially late night visits, with their imposing nature of expecting normal courtesies at these hours you couldn’t think of more troublesome guests than the Duttas. Their favourite unannounced visiting timings were mostly after 10.00-10.30 hours at night or at the office rushing hours around 9.00-9.30 in the morning. Father and mother have to go to their office, while we have to go to our school. He always comes when we are locking up the house or have just finished.

When he comes, one of us has to stay back and serve him. If mother can take casual leave, then she waits. But mostly I have to stay back as I am the eldest. He is a very easy-going person. He takes his own time in taking bath and getting ready.Mr. Kumar is very fussy about his food. I can never make anything to his satisfaction. He does not like food cooked in our style, and goes on giving a running commentary on how badly I have cooked and how I should have cooked, but he eats everything served.

He is not at all considerate. He does not bring his own bedding and we have to arrange it at great inconvenience to ourselves. He uses our telephone freely. He not only makes local calls but also long distance calls and does not think it necessary to pay for them.

He wants my father to take him around in the car and when he goes, he expects to be dropped at the station.As long as he is there, the whole routine of the household is upset. We thank God when he leaves.

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