paragraph please help me with this one
Digital Bangladesh Paragraph; The phrase “Digital Bangladesh” is currently the most pronounced phase in our country. It means digitalizing Bangladesh by ensuring profer access to the internet where all information regarding all the sectors of Bangladesh will be available. The word ‘digital’ is the adjective of ‘digit’. The meaning of the digit is number. It describes the many information including file, music, video, an image, etc that is recorded or broadcast using computer technology. As we know that computer technology works with the binary number ‘0‘ and ‘1’. ‘0‘ means off, false, no, low or absence of electricity. On the other hand, ‘1’ means on, true, yes, high or presence of electricity.
Digital Bangladesh Paragraph: Digital Bangladesh is a much-talked slogan of the present government of Bangladesh. Digital Bangladesh means a technology-based prosperous country where computers will be widely used. All economic activities of the country will be monitored or controlled by the computer via the internet. The benefits of digital Bangladesh are many. If we can establish digital Bangladesh, corruption will be drastically reduced by enhancing transparency and accountability.
It will make people think globally and connect themselves with the whole world economically, politically, socially, academically, and even culturally. It will improve banking and financial activities. Agriculture, health, education, commerce all the sectors will be highly benefited by making Bangladesh a digital one. For translating the dream of Digital Bangladesh into reality, the government has to take certain initiatives.
First of all, an uninterrupted power supply has to be ensured. We have to develop computer network infrastructures throughout the country. We also have to train our people to acquire the skill and ensure equitable access to digital governance services for all strata of the society. Finally, our education should be computer-based and in primary and secondary schools students should get easy access to the computer. It will be no ambition if we say that the implementation of a digital Bangladesh can help us to uphold ourselves as one of the developed countries in the world by the next decade.
Digital Bangladesh Paragraph For SSC Examination 2021
Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on Digital Bangladesh. You should write in about 250 words:
What do you understand by Digital Bangladesh? What are the problems that may stand in the way of making Bangladesh a Digital Bangladesh. How can these problems overcome? Read now Digital Bangladesh Paragraph.
Digital Bangladesh means a technology-based prosperous country where computers will be widely used. All the economic activities of the country will be monitored and controlled via internet. Internet facilities will be provided to every nook and corner of the country so that everyone may have easy access to the internet. With the help of internet a man can have any information he needs sitting anywhere. He need not to go to a place in person to have a service or an information. Mans work load will be lessened to a great extent by using
Digital Bangladesh is a much-talked slogan of the present government of Bangladesh. Digital Bangladesh means a technology-based prosperous country where computers will be widely used. All economic activities of the country will be monitored or controlled by the computer via the internet. The benefits of digital Bangladesh are many. If we can establish digital Bangladesh, corruption will be drastically reduced by enhancing transparency and accountability.
It will make people think globally and connect themselves with the whole world economically, politically, socially, academically, and even culturally. It will improve banking and financial activities. Agriculture, health, education, commerce all the sectors will be highly benefited by making Bangladesh a digital one. For translating the dream of Digital Bangladesh into reality, the government has to take certain initiatives.
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