English, asked by khushichavda2810, 5 months ago

Paragraph writing [ 80-90 words] :- Where There Is Will ; There is a way. hints:- Strong Determination - Archive whatever disery - Obstacles Disappear - Facing Danger boldly - Man has make impossible things possible - Strongest and wisest person on earth - strong belief on the coat​


Answered by meghatomar95


“Where there is a will, there is a way” is a familiar and well-known saying. But only a few understand and act upon it. This saying underlines a very vital fact of life. Man is ambitious; he is full of desires. But all of them are not fulfilled, because they lack the force of willpower.

Without determination and strong will, nothing can be achieved. When our desires are mere wishes, they are not likely to be satisfied for there is not perseverance, sustained efforts, and required singleness of purpose at their back. Determination is one of the secrets of success. Why a few succeed and the numerous others fail in life. The answer is simple and clear. Those who work hard without any let-up in their efforts are crowned with success, while the others make – not much effort or make half-hearted ones. The not successful people may be likened to a cat who wishes to eat fish but dare riot to wet its feet. Such people are fatalistic, inactive, purposeless, indecisive, and spineless. They lack boldness, determination, and sustained efforts.

God helps those who help themselves. Fate favors only the brave. There is no reason why you should not achieve what you aim at if you try and make efforts whole-heartedly and for a long time. Napoleon believed that impossible word was to be found only in the dictionary of fools. His life is a living example of what he said, believed, and practiced. There is nothing impossible in the world for a man of steel will-power and unyielding determination. History is full of many examples that illustrate how men and women of iron will be ultimately crowned with success against heavy odds. The legend of Robert Bruce and the Spider is well known. Bruce lost thirteen times in succession to his superior enemy, but he never lost heart. The spider showed him the way. He took heart and defeated his enemy in the fourteenth attempt. He turned what seemed once an impossibility into a sure success and possibility.

Take the example of Maharana Pratap and Shivaji. They are well known in Indian history for their iron will, strong determination, courage, heroism, and patriotism. Rana Pratap fought bravely against such a powerful king as Akbar despite successive seeming defeats but never surrendered in slavery. Such was his will and determination. He had taken a vow to free Mewar and so made determined and sustained efforts in achieving his goal till his last breath. It is not the success that always matters in the ultimate analysis. What actually matters are how have you played the game and not whether you won or lost. Again take the example of Mahatma Gandhi, a frail man but a man of iron will and strong convictions. He won- us freedom through non-violence, satyagraha, and non-cooperation. He used these weapons against so powerful British Imperialism with a great determination and willpower that the Britishers had to leave India bag and baggage.

We can see the same iron will in Sardar Patel. He has rightly been called the iron-man because he was full of great will-power, determination, and singleness of his purpose of uniting India into one whole, integrated nation. It was the determination and iron will of this iron-man which finally merged all princely states into a unified arid strong India of today.

Will is the main driving force that can take you to your goal. Will means strong desire which does not know hurdles and impediments. For a man of iron will and undaunted spirit, nothing is impossible; for him, even the sky is not the limit. After every success and achievement, there is a strong will accompanied by unflinching efforts. Whether it is the conquest of Everest or the Moon, the same iron will is behind these achievements. A determined person takes hurdles and difficulties as a challenge and overcomes them by dint of his hard and tireless efforts. Determination is the primary and most important condition of any noteworthy achievement.

History is full of many bright examples to show us how people turned seeming impossible work into a possibility and success. The story of Abraham Lincoln is the story of a man from a log cabin to the Presidential position. Then there are Columbus, Garibaldi, Lenin, Mao Tsetung, and many other luminaries to guide us and teach us how to achieve success and fame by our iron will be accompanied by sustained efforts. If you have an unshakable, resolute will and carry on your efforts as did these great men of history, you, too, are bound to have ‘what you want.


I think it helps u

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